Why isn't she doing porno?

Thursday, October 05, 2006

This post has nothing to do with porno.. but if it did.. I bet my page would get more hits.

I got another interview tomorrow. I feel like I'm dating. I hate this whole selling yourself shit. My teacher tonight gave me some tips on getting that dream job. haha. research research research..

damn these teenagers at the end of the hall with there fu*king bass pumping music at this time of night. where the hell are the parents? I hate this building.. have I told you that before? today there were 3 shopping carts by the elevator.. couldn't even get through the hall for the shopping carts. I am going to start taking pictures of all the store less shopping carts I find. this area is littered in them. I think I have mentioned this before.

I am going to Pacific Mall tomorrow too!!.. I haven't been there in ages.. I am going to want to buy everything cute. cause I'm all about cute things!! I am only allowing myself to buy one thing since I am not going to the mall for myself and it has to be under $5. What a restriction huh! Hello Kitty here I come.. even tho I love Mashimaro better. I want to build a Japanese style cute flashy page with lots of colors and cute characters.

Mashimaro always looks asleep and I think thats why I like him best! cause I am always tired and want to be in bed sleeping. however he looks that way not because hes tired or asleep.. his eyes are actually squeezed tight because hes pushing out nuggets.. that explains the whole toilet thing with him an the plunger sometimes stuck on his head.. he makes pooing cute!


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