The Weekend.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

This weekend was so many emotions I can't even put into words. I challenged myself to something I had never done before. I started to get nervous friday night wondering if all my training efforts were going to be enough. I had no idea what to expect from this weekend except that I was in it for all those that have been hurt by cancer and wanted to make a dent of a difference.

I dont think some people really realize just how far 60kms is walking, especially in two days.

I met amazing people, heard heart sobbing and success stories, laughed, cried a whole lot! challenged myself physically, helped a cause, felt so alive from an adrenaline rush of life I had never experienced.

Saturday my finish time was 9hrs and 11mins to complete 32kms. After leaving the last pit stop I was starting to go a little batty in my head.. like where is the finish line.. I see the park but then we would be onto another street.. and another street. I wanted it to end.. I couldn't even figure out how I was still walking. Kelly wanted a sweep car to take us to the end and kept complaining she couldn't continue. I would step in and bitch.. "Kelly its just your feet, you can do it.. we are doing it.. your not getting in a sweep car! you cant just get into a sweep car to cure cancer! the sweep car defeats the purpose of why we are doing this! plus we were at our last 5kms" we had come so far all day with all its challenges.. like one massive hill we weren't expecting! in a part of the city I had never been in.

Crossing the first day finish line was a rush! I didn't know what to do with myself, sit, walk, find a washroom, eat, call someone. My mind was racing an so was my blood. we got dinner an wine.. no one talked during our meal we were so famished. I felt like I should still be walking.

My mom an sister came to meet me after dinner.. and well we all started crying. I started to feel nausea an decided to head home with them. I couldn't sleep, its like I had motion sickness and I was still walking. I woke up at 4am very unpleasant an sick. Jill called at 6am to take me back to the park. She didn't want me to go after I told her my sicky condition but I said I had too.. I am committed. Kelly and Dana went ahead of me.. Kellys foot was all wrapped an she was hurting bad. I ended up walking alone Sunday. me, my ipod an tons of strangers for small talk here an there.

I only had two blisters.. and a bruised middle toe. I was shocked how well I managed after seeing other peoples feet in the medical tent when I stopped into to get my blisters drained. I felt kind dumb waiting in line. Way to go feet!

My legs don't even hurt either like I had anticipated them to hurt. my workouts were harder on my legs with muscle ache then the walk was.

I felt so proud crossing the finish line with all these strangers high fiving me! congratulating me an thanking me for my accomplishment an commitment to helping an giving to the charity and cause. AMAZING!


Anonymous Penny Auction Bidding said...

Wow that is called a vibrant weekend!!

6:21 AM  

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