who's not there.. ?

Monday, January 28, 2008

Shar Pei

Logan went home yesterday.. I really miss her snorting..slobbering.. and wiggle dance moves.. I really want a Shar Pei now and I'm going to look into it.

So besides missing Logan today.. some minor weird shit has happened at my place.. for instance.. it started with the storage door.. it just keeps opening on its own.. at first I thought ok the place is not balanced cause the second bedroom door an my walk in closet door are always closing on there own.. but the storage door gets jammed and its hard to open at times and I think well how is it opening on its own!. No big deal right?? Then I hear hard walking through the apartment.. and I thought well its the neighbours.. however I live on the top floor.. and it sounds like its right down my hall to the bathroom to the front door.. I dismiss it! But BB noticed it too.. he hears it normally in the middle of the night.. and when I first told him it sounds different then just regular walking across the floor he kinda shrugged it off until he heard it.

When BB and I moved in there, we had light issues with one of the stand up lamps in the living room.. but we also dismissed it as an old light.. bulb may need to be replaced etc... Now over the past week we have been having issues with the light bulbs in our ceiling fan in the dining room. We just replaced all 3 bulbs.. and the one keeps going out. So replace it again right?!

BB just called me to tell me.. the glass of the light just fell out of the bulb which was in the ceiling fan and smashed all over our dining room table...now the other thing is.. we don't even use the fan part of the ceiling fan cause of the bird. last thing we want it the bird flying in the fan an well all over our walls. So its not like it could have come loose!.. I will dismiss this again.. but is anything else happens.. that's a little toooo spooky for me.

Also.. I seen JUNO this weekend.. I want the soundtrack!.. I really enjoyed the flick, I like the everydayness too it... and reality to things not being sugar coated..


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ooh, you think it's a ghost eh!

Unfortunately for me, I've traced every little obscurity in my life with scientific fact. err.....

I didn't even noticed the link didn't work on my last comment, duh, sorry. I'm checking this time.


5:18 PM  
Blogger Phil said...

Its hard to believe in spooky things like that but sometimes its hard to explain it any other way. I haven't seen Juno yet but everyone says its good so I think I might have to

9:16 PM  
Blogger missc said...

I am sure it is nothing.. but you never know.. At my old house some weird shit happend.. and I learned after I moved someone died there..

11:45 AM  

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