just because your 30
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
So its almost here. 3 more days. yeah I know, I'm like an official adult. 30 totally makes you no longer in your 20s and no longer to get away with some of the stuff from your late teens you could pull off in your 20s still.. or maybe it does?.. and I am being to hard on myself. How am I turning 30?? It just hit me yesterday night when I was cleaning my tub. Where did my 20s go? I remember being 18 and saying I can't wait till I'm a full grown woman at 30.. believing it was the perfect age! (you have your life all sorted out and jazzy, I thought) what the hell did I know about the perfect age at 18, that was the perfect age... now I am here and I wish I was 18.
Its affecting my mom the most however.. "My baby is going to be 30" she cries. I tell my mom.. Relax, this should be nothing for you.. you have a daughter 54yrs remember! me an my eldest sister are 25yrs apart. crazy I know! but I guess since I have always been the baby.. its a huge deal! My mom gave me $ two weeks ago! as my first bday prezzie.. last week she gave me a lucky bamboo plant an some clothes for my second prezzie.. I have to wait till Friday for my 3rd prezzie.. shes like "3 prezzies for the 30yr old".. yet I feel like a giant kid! yay for mom an her prezzies!
Oh yeah so back to the point of this blog. Just because I'm 30! doesn't make me a cougar. First off why would a woman even want to be called a cougar or label them selves such a thing. Such as this license plate of a woman I see at least once a week on my way to work. I am not a cougar just because I am now 30. why am I not a cougar you might ask; because...
-30 doesn't make you an automatic cougar if your not married
-I have a bf (cougars are single, but I guess not always)
-Even if I didn't have a bf I wouldn't date someone younger then me (younger men only)
-I don't make lots of cougar sugar momma money (lots of money to attract and take sugar care of young boys, required)
-I don't roam the bar scene on the prowl
-I don't dress like I'm open for business
I think that sums it up!
Its affecting my mom the most however.. "My baby is going to be 30" she cries. I tell my mom.. Relax, this should be nothing for you.. you have a daughter 54yrs remember! me an my eldest sister are 25yrs apart. crazy I know! but I guess since I have always been the baby.. its a huge deal! My mom gave me $ two weeks ago! as my first bday prezzie.. last week she gave me a lucky bamboo plant an some clothes for my second prezzie.. I have to wait till Friday for my 3rd prezzie.. shes like "3 prezzies for the 30yr old".. yet I feel like a giant kid! yay for mom an her prezzies!
Oh yeah so back to the point of this blog. Just because I'm 30! doesn't make me a cougar. First off why would a woman even want to be called a cougar or label them selves such a thing. Such as this license plate of a woman I see at least once a week on my way to work. I am not a cougar just because I am now 30. why am I not a cougar you might ask; because...
-30 doesn't make you an automatic cougar if your not married
-I have a bf (cougars are single, but I guess not always)
-Even if I didn't have a bf I wouldn't date someone younger then me (younger men only)
-I don't make lots of cougar sugar momma money (lots of money to attract and take sugar care of young boys, required)
-I don't roam the bar scene on the prowl
-I don't dress like I'm open for business
I think that sums it up!
In other news. I have a lil crush on this mate.. Jason Statham! again a much older man cause that's what I fancy. Billy is a good sport about it all.. since he watched the Bank Job movie with me over the weekend while I drooled on my pillow.
btw.. I want this for my bday.. ahem.. if anyone wants to know what I want.. yur looking at it right here.. just saying you know.. you never know.. thanks very much!
Hey, happy fargain birthday! (in advance!)
Don't do anything too crazy; and if I had the cash I'd sport the truck with the crazy striping for you!
Being thirty is great; you're still young, but now you're smarter than ever.
Have great one, and here's wishing you many more years of happiness to come!
: )
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