cakes cookies & carrie

Monday, March 02, 2009

My First Fondant on Styrofoam
First Fondant on Styrofoam base!

I'm zapped! capped.. and caking like crazy!
I have been non-stop the past 3 weeks.. working.. schooling.. caking.. and somehow was talked into bingo last night on a work night. I wanted to post my cake progress sooner but there has been no time.

Saturday Feb. 21 : DC1 - my first day of my cake journey @ Bonnie Gordon School of Confectionary Arts. I was really nervous, all the other ladies (all 5 of them) have experience with cakes and have been even taking commissions on the side. I was like oh gosh!.. I have zero experience when it came time for me to introduce myself. We spent most of the day playing with fondant an cookie cutters talking about icing and designing. I learned how to roll fondant out! and place it on a cake. Not easy at all! I was getting air bubbles, elephant skin (when the fondant begins to dry it appears to look like elephant skin) and then one of my finger nails dipped into it! Oops!!

My First Fondant on Styrofoam
My First Fondant on Styrofoam

Sunday Feb. 22 : B1 - was baking with butter cream.. YUM YUM!.. we tasted and created our own flavored butter creams, then taste tested them on various cake recipes.. Lemon cake with tropical punch butter cream was my favorite!! After all the yummie taste testing we had to mask a 3 layered cake in butter cream. I was getting soooo frustrated!! its like you could spin the cake forever on the wheel with the icing going round an round and it just never looks perfect!

cookie kiss

Saturday Feb. 28 : DC1 - we started the afternoon off learning different piping designs. My hand was hurting after an hour of squeezing icing onto the table, messing up then scraping the icing off the table and trying again. It looks so easy when the instructors demonstrate.. however doing it yourself is another! I need to get my practice on! after hours of practicing on the stainless steel table top they gave us ready made sugar cookies to practice on and to eat!!.. I took my cookies home since I'm allergic to the icing!


Butterfly got box damage!! :( it was the best cookie too!


Sunday March 1st : there was no school. I got up at 7:30am determined with my new bit of knowledge to make my moms 76th birthday cake for her surprise lunch party. The challenges half asleep!! good thing I baked the cake sat night after school. No one could really see the mistakes that I knew were there.. plus I rushed the best part, the decorating part! Overall, it tasted awesome.. I went with Lemon cake an vanilla butter cream. Mom loved it and that's all that mattered.

My First Fondant Cake
My First Fondant Cake
My very first Cake from scratch!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks superb, though this isn't helping my sugar addiction.

the dandelion didn't mean I wasn't thinking about you, btw.

2:42 AM  

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