I got a snow man on my belcony! Beat that!

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

I left the house half a sleep this morning.. my eyes were still half closed an puffy.. I probably shouldn't have been driving.. I couldn't even put my make-up on this morning.. so that tells me it was too early for me to be on the road for an hour.

Today is a Fleetwood Mac: Greatest Hits Album.. over an over.. Day!!.. all day today!..

Its weird.. I got so much floating through my mind this morning.. I am not even sure how I feel today. I am excited about Christmas coming. I put my tree up Sunday night.. BB bought me a real one. My first real tree.. its gold an red and simplicity is key! the tree is a tad to big for my tiny living space.. but I love it!. it still needs a top ornament.

So its this time of year everyone gets mushy gushy.. an its seems ok to ask for forgiveness or say your sorry for the fuck-ups over the past year with a gesture of a gift or a card.. or just plain old saying.. I'm Sorry!.. I forgive you!.. Lets put it all in the past. or maybe its just my world this is happening in.

Sarah sent me a link yesterday to MAKE A BOOK!
make a book out of your blog.. wedding.. whatever you want.. ! I have been told sometime to make a book cause I got tons of wacky stories.. I think now if I were.. it would be about Love to Hate.. relationships.. ultimate disasters in love. I know there are tons of those books out there already.. but I dunno why I love hearing about them so much.. break-ups/dating is like the juiciest gossip in celebrity lives to me.. who doesn't love to hear about couples fighting an the stupid things they fight about.. I laugh now at all my blunders in love.

This squirrel took advantage of my snowman yesterday morning as I was having my breakfast.. an he poked out his eyes an nose.. while he was at it.. I really shouldn't be feeding them.. but I can't help myself.


Blogger Vociferous Beauty said...

Aww Pretty!

8:10 PM  
Blogger Phil said...

haha squirrels crack me up. its those crazy tails.

8:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How Christmasy!

Your snowman kind of looks like Davy Crockett.

2:07 AM  

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