Heartbreak Hospital

Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Went to visit Jaggid after work in the hospital yesterday. They have visiting hours how cool, but heart breaking. Yesterdays amazing news was he wouldn't need surgery but all that has changed now and is pending, since blood has now showed up in his test results today. He has only passed 4 inches of blockage, and still not eating.

They opened up his cage for me an my heart sunk seeing an IV in his leg. They messed up his sex an put a pink bandage on his arm. Everyone was calling him a girl! I was like umm he's a boy! wrong color bandage! He was so stoned looking. I said his name an reached my arm out to pet him an he let out this loud "ROAWWWN" I say it like that cause he doesn't "meow" like a normal cat, if you have heard my cat ROAWWWN before you know what I'm talking about! He was drooling from his mouth. OMG I wanted to break down an cry! but I told myself.. HES GONNA GET BETTER!! He then turned away from me.. it was like he didn't want me to see him all hurting.. or he was mad at me for putting him there. I feel so hopeless, sad an sick to my stomach! :(

After today's call I'm scared I'm going to lose him!


Blogger Giusi. said...

awww hang in there
he can still pull through this.
give him a little bit more time.
poor little jaggid and his pink bandage

10:41 PM  

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