I work to much to blog

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

This is the first time I have sat down in a long time with, never mind I actually have a lot on my plate, I would be lying if I said nothing. Just finished some logo designs, a cup of sleepy time tea and a homemade brownie.

Looking at the timeline its been almost two years since my last post! Not going to lie, the past two years have flown by so fast and so much has happened and not so much at the same time.

Maybe I should highlight some things so I don't forget.

Started the New Year off in Detroit for the Winter Classics! Such an amazing day even tho I was frozen and not sure how I didn't get frost bite being outside for 12hrs. Somehow being frozen made it more of a memorable memory I think. I can still feel that crisp air when I think about the day!

Picked up so many painting gigs, shows an live shows.
Met so many amazing talents and kind hearted souls  <3 p="">

"Lollipop Licker" - Candyland Show - SOLD

"Angel Confetti" - 2014 - SOLD

Got my mom on the runway at the airport to take part in the 2K walk of the Runway Run! 81yrs old and as active as her legs will allow her! I hope I have her energy and spirit when I am her age!

 Color me RAD 5K run! .. I kinda love running. =)

Was the yellow part of the rainbow in WORLD PRIDE!
Many thanks to Josie for allowing me to take part in this awesome celebration! XOXO

Dominique is having a Baby Girl named Demi, due for xmas! Was shocked she came out and skated at my rollerskate birthday party! I can't wait for Demi's arrival :D

Created my tallest cake ever, 6 feet high! I honesty won't ever be making a cake of this volume again unless I have a shop and a team of 5. True learning experience and cake accomplishment for me.

Being a Power Puff Girl with my ladies at work that keep my 10yrs younger then what I am! We made the masks out of Paper Mache! Sooo messy and so much fun!
It took a few well worth it sessions of creating.

Only a month and a half left till the year is over! Wonder what 2015 has in store!


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